Pastor Robin McQuain

I am Reverend Robin McQuain and have been actively serving since 2012 except for leave during my husbands recovery from a 4-way bypass.

As your clergy person, I prefer to be addressed as Pastor Robin.

I am a Student pastor continuing the Course of Study work for a final status of Local Pastor. I have two classes I hope to complete in 2025. The first one focuses on Missions and the second is a Capstone for application of all my studies. These involve a great deal of reading and writing. 

I tell stories as someone bound to the Bible through the stories it tells. I’ve been trained to ask Scripture what it says about the character and nature of God; what does it say about the character and nature of humankind; and what does it say about the relationship of humanity with God and of God with humanity: How is it His Story and how does it lead us now.

My life verses are Romans 12:1-2. They reflect the response of my heart to the call of God. The call on my life is the same call on all of our lives contained in Matthew 28:1-2 known as The Great Commission.


I graduated from PHS in 1972

I left WVUP (then Parkersburg Community College) in 1975 qualifying for an Associate Degree in Communications that I didn’t take because I expected to continue my studies. My favorite part was Linguistics, the study of languages.

Years of life, mistakes, finding myself, and being found intervened and after searching for a church I began attending the Zanesville Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. I had completed an Applied Science Associate Degree in Computer Programming from Muskingum Area Technical College known now as Zane State College and worked ten years for Ohio University Zanesville Campus Library beginning as a Library Accounting clerk; then, after promotion, as IT and Website manager for the library during my final years.

When I married my husband (one and only) in 2004, I joined Stout Memorial UMC in Parkersburg and in 2011, followed my husband into ministry (His first appointment began as assigned supply in 2005) and my first appointment began as assigned supply in 2011.

Tom and I are a blended family. He has two adult children (a son and married daughter) and I have one married daughter. Together we have four grandchildren including one boy now a Freshman, twins girls at Ohio University, and and another girl recently graduated from a tech high school setting in Carpentry.

Contact information:

home phone: 304-422-4806 (use this if our communication cannot wait)

cell phone: 304-588-2718 (I check voicemail on this about every other day and text messages at least once a day)

Address: 1902 20th Street

Parkersburg, WV 26101


When emailing as someone connected with Cedar Grove church, please use either “CG:” OR “Cedar Grove:” at the beginning of your subject line. I get lots of junk mail etc and this will allow me to sort and find your message so I can respond more quickly, however it takes a day or more sometimes for emails to come through to me.

The quickest way to reach me is Facebook. My identity is RevRobin McQuain

Since Facebook serves to keep me in contact with people, I always have it open on my laptop so I get notification of messages and can respond quickly to them.